Career Pathways
Upon completion of this 12-hour program, students are registered for Adult Basic Education (ABE) or English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes. Case managers regularly monitor and support students throughout their enrollment at our school to ensure continued educational achievement and success.
Our Career Pathways Wheel Course offers students exposure to in-depth career exploration covering all of the 16 career clusters as well as the additional “energy”-specific career cluster for the State of Florida. As part of their research, students are also required to complete specific career-related activities for each cluster. The clusters are infused throughout our academic core wheel class providing opportunities for contextualized instruction in reading, language, and mathematics. These activities always include a heavy technological component. Additionally, students consider their personal career interests and aptitudes in identifying possible job interests within each career cluster.
Our Career Pathways classrooms are run as a small business and/or corporate offices. Instruction is not textbook dependent, but rather a real-life dependent. We have contextualized our materials into the various occupational sectors and infused it with real-life technological applications. The focus of instruction is for students to apply new skills and concepts in solving different career-specific situations or problems, and instruction is differentiated to meet the needs of each student. Students are encouraged to construct knowledge for themselves and develop troubleshooting skills essential for success in today’s workforce.